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"I've learned so much during my time at V1 College!"


My relationship with God has grown so much through watching the lectures.


What are you waiting for? This will change your life!

Maria Lucy

If you're looking for mentors and teachers of God's Word, than look no further.

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Monthly lifetime access to 115 lectures and growing!

Frequently Asked Questions

What is included in a subscription plan?

Our BASIC plan gives you access to 115 video lectures. Our PLUS plan includes our entire library and access to NEW future lectures when they become available. 

Can I use my mobile phone?

At this time we are working on a mobile app versions. But you can access through your cell phones web browser.

Can I cancel any time?

Why would you want to do that? But yes, you can cancel at any time.

Is there homework?

Our courses don't have homework but reflection questions that will help you stay engaged with the content

How long are the lectures?

Each lecture varies in time for 10 minutes to an hour.

What does the subscription cover?

You get 24/7 access for a lifetime with over 115 lectures. Theology on the GO!

Are you accredited?

We are accredited at our University level not at V1 College.TV. For more information, you can visit www.v1college.com.